Your Business, Your Future! A Basic Guide to Launching a Business for Immigrant Entrepreneurs is a resource guide created to assist community-based organizations in providing business services for immigrant communities. It breaks down the various options available for forming and operating a business in New York State, and compares their requirements and associated fees and taxes in order to help immigrant entrepreneurs decide which type of business structure best fits their situation.

While immigrants are more than twice as likely as U.S.-born citizens to start a business, there are few resources specifically dedicated to assisting immigrant business owners. The lack of clear and accessible information about starting a business is an issue for all entrepreneurs but especially for immigrants given the language and cultural obstacles they face.
Pratt Center created this guide in partnership with the New York Immigration Coalition as part of an effort to increase access to clear information and resources for immigrant entrepreneurs in New York. It is available below for download in nine different languages.

- Your Business, Your Future! (English)
- ¡Su Negocio, Su Futuro! (Spanish)
- Votre Enterprise, Votre Avenir! (French)
- 您的事业, 您的未来! (Chinese)
- 여러분의 사업, 여러분의 미래! (Korean)
- আপনার ব্যবসা, আপনার ভবিষ্যৎ! (Bengali)
- !آپ کا کاروبار آپ کا مستقبل (Urdu)
- عملك التجاري، مستقبلك (Arabic)
- ваш бизнес ваше будущее! (Russian)