The Bronx & Brooklyn Regional Assessment and Barriers Analysis (RABA) examines the conditions that present both key challenges and opportunities to expanding access to clean energy in disadvantaged communities (DACs) in the Bronx and Brooklyn boroughs. The Bronx & Brooklyn RABA is an in-depth examination of the obstacles preventing low- and moderate-income (LMI) borough residents and disadvantaged communities from benefiting fully from the green energy transition. The RABA report identifies systemic barriers that hinder access to green home energy upgrades, energy efficiency programs, and clean energy job opportunities for these communities. Through public engagement, data analysis, and insights from Hub member organizations, Pratt Center has identified key findings that point to where barriers exist in residents' access and where potential opportunities exist for reducing barriers and increasing uptake and participation in the clean energy economy.
This report was developed with funding from the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) as part of its Regional Clean Energy Hubs initiative, in partnership with the Bronx & Brooklyn Clean Energy Hub (bxbkenergyhub.org) and its member organizations: Association for Energy Affordability (AEA), Center for NYC Neighborhoods, Solar One, Bronx Neighborhood Housing Services, Bronxworks, The HOPE Program, CAMBA, and NHS Brooklyn.

Key findings include:
Community ties: The strong network of existing community-based organizations in the Bronx and Brooklyn has great potential through partnership with the Clean Energy Hub. These partnerships could create opportunities to expand outreach to more residents, especially those in disadvantaged communities.
Accessibility of programs and outreach: Across clean energy upgrade and green jobs programs, language and internet access present barriers for homeowners and tenants. The Bronx and Brooklyn have translation needs across at least six different languages. Improving outreach would encourage more residents to engage in programs.