Luke Degnan

Luke Degnan (MFA Writing '16) is a poet and fiction writer, and was a co-founder and Senior Editor of Pratt's Graduate Writing journal, The Felt.
Degnan is the co-editor of As Told: Brooklyn Histories a collection of oral histories by Brooklyn-area senior citizens for which he received a 2018-19 Taconic Fellowship from the Pratt Center for Community Development, a 2018-19 Action Grant from Humanities New York, and a 2018-19 Pratt Research Seed Grant.
Degnan is currently working with OpenAi's GPT predictive text model to produce short fiction, poetry, and song lyrics, focusing on human/AI interaction. The research is contributing to a collaboration with Maria G. Baker—The Shadow of Nothingness—a manuscript of existential horror, written in the form of Yelp reviews.