About Us

Pratt Center for Community Development works to build community power and ensure the equitable distribution of resources for low-income BIPOC people in New York City.

We do this by partnering with frontline community-based organizations to provide research, participatory planning, policy advocacy, and implementation support.


Local Knowledge & Democratic Process

Those who are directly impacted are the experts about their communities’ needs, challenges, and opportunities. To advance racial, social, and economic justice and build community power in New York City, low-income, BIPOC residents must be co-designers of long-term, consistent, and meaningful engagement in decisions about the future of their City. 

Genuine Exchange Leads to Transformative Planning

Every partnership is an opportunity for active listening, exchange, and to engage in a process that shapes Pratt Center staff and practices as much as it shapes our community partners.

Creativity & Innovation

We are guided by the belief that achieving a community’s vision and breaking out of stale paradigms are borne from questioning assumptions, making bold choices, and being open to what a process of collaborative exchange can generate.


We deliver our partners substantive, rigorous, and high-quality products, that meet the challenges of the moment and plant seeds that will endure through implementation.

Drawing of people gathered around a table pointing to a map


Is one in which low-income BIPOC people have equal access to quality housing, good jobs, clean air, and the ability to remain and thrive in their neighborhoods.

Is one that is characterized by strong, resilient neighborhoods of healthy homes, clean air, an efficient built environment, and a thriving ecosystem of goods made and consumed locally. 

Drawing of people playing in a park


Founded in 1963, Pratt Center is the oldest university-based community planning organization in the U.S. As part of Pratt Institute, we leverage professional skills in urban planning, architecture, design, and public policy to work on the ground with community-based organizations to challenge systemic inequities and advance sustainable development.

We are located on 63 Flushing Avenue, The Research Yard, Building 3, Floor #7, Brooklyn, NY 11205.